Friday, September 18, 2015


I don't want this blog to be exclusively about World War G/T, but it's what's on my mind right now. Specifically, I'm trying to think through how this might work out in the long run, given that gay/straight inequality--like other social inequalities--is likely due, at least in part, from facts about humanity that aren't going to go away.

I think there are two purposes to thinking this through:

1. I'd like to see more realism and humility in the face of human nature on the part of the left. Your ideals don't match human reality any more than any other religion's morality, and rigid enforcement of them will be just as inhumane as the worst puritanism.

2. I'm hoping to find some realistic optimism for traditionalism. Yes, things are rapidly changing due to societal and technological shifts, but some things about humanity don't change--or at least, they don't change that fast. At least some aspects of traditional ideas about sex and sexuality seem universal enough to be in this category. Thus, if what the left is pushing is insane and unworkable, it won't ultimately work--either we'll figure out a workaround that most people will muddle through, or there will be a backlash and an adjustment of our political order and self-understanding ... or the whole thing will collapse. Hopefully it won't come to the latter.