Wednesday, September 16, 2015

The persistence of pathologies of the gay community, cont.

The gay community appears to suffer from other pathologies as well, that are at least not evidently related to lack of male-female balance. High rates of mental illness, suicide, violence, etc. Again, the presumption is that the cause of these things is the societal rejection that gays face.

However, the same thing that leads me to believe that gays (at least the males) are "born that way" makes me think that the other psychological problems associated with homosexuality are likewise inborn. The truth is that a frightening amount of what think of as our personalities, dispositions, mental problems etc., are strongly influenced by genetic and other biological factors. If homosexuality has a biological cause (as seems very likely for men at least) and it is consistently correlated with other psychological or behavioral abnormalities, it seems quite likely that, whichever way the causality might run, these also have related biological roots.

If this is the case, then the pathologies of the gay community aren't going to go away. Like the persistence of the pathologies of the black community, this is bad news for society as a whole--as reality persistently refuses to live up to the ideology of equality, we get growing resentment on the part of the minority and endless guilt trips for the majority, leading either to craven worship of the minority for the true believers and dark cynicism for the skeptics.

Most folks will muddle through, repeating the official line that there are no significant differences between groups, but, in practice, keeping their distance from the problems they continue perceive in the minority group.