Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Liberal privilege

Left liberalism is the privileged ideology of our society.

If you are a liberal, you can expect your ideals and political goals to be reflected by all legitimate institutions in our society: the government at all levels, the education system at all levels, entertainment and the arts, the newsmedia, major corporations, non-governmental organizations, charitable foundations, the military (at least among the leadership), and most respectable religious organizations. The rich, the famous, the powerful, the beautiful are mostly left liberals.

If you are liberal, you can expect to regularly be praised by all these institutions for your good sense and good character. You are regularly reminded that you are on the right side of history. You are kind and thoughtful. Your views reflect science and reason. They are so obvious that, to deny them ... I can't even!

If you are a liberal, the world is your safe space.

Yes, there are exceptions, but they are notable as exceptions. When you find out a business, or a famous person, is conservative, it is something to be noted--a surprise that is contrary to your expectations. No one takes note of the liberalism of a powerful person or institution unless they are very extreme or outspoken. Everyone takes note when the rich, the powerful, the respectable, are "conservative," even when, in fact, they are not really conservative, but just deviate from left liberalism in some small way (most commonly, libertarianism).

Also, yes, there is a conservative ghetto. It has its own media, and its own religious and educational institutions. But it is a ghetto.

Outside this ghetto, conservatives can have no expectation of seeing their ideals or political goals reflected in any institution. In fact, they can expect the opposite. At best, their views are ignored, but if they are mentioned, it is only to dismiss, refute, ridicule or vilify them.

You can expect you and your ghetto to be regularly denounced. To hear horror stories of the ghetto; of the terrible things they think and do and say there. To hear breathless stories told of people who escaped from the ghetto and lived to tell the tale.

The mere existence of the ghetto is taken as evidence of the need for ever stronger measures to protect all God's precious children from the terrible people that dwell there.

You can try to disprove their stereotypes: But I'm a nice guy! I'm not a bigot. I'm intelligent and well-read! I have well thought-out reasons for my dissent! I grew up in the ghetto, and it wasn't like that!

It doesn't matter. You are a bigot. You are a troglodyte. On the wrong side of history. The world will be better when you are displaced by women and gays and racial minorities.